Brit couple’s cheeky wedding ‘sex act’ photo goes viral

                           Matthew and Carly Lunn took the cheeky photo
                         CHEEKY: This Birmingham couple appear to have set a global trend

Carly, 34, from Birmingham, revealed that no sex act took place, and the couple merely wanted a unique picture that reflected their sense of humour.

She told Mirror Online: "It was something we said we'd do for a joke, we agreed to do it before we got married and followed through with it.

"Everyone's loved it, it was a brilliant wedding photo."
The married couple were flooded with compliments
'LEGENDS': Pals loved their unique photo

The pose appears to have gone global
GLOBAL: Couples as far away as the Netherlands are copying the pose

And the couple’s photo even spread as far as the Netherlands, with a Dutch couple going viral for mimicking their pose.

The photo of the unnamed bride and groom was posted alongside the caption: "Some newlyweds cannot wait for the party to be over so they can quietly retreat to their suite for a smashing weddingnight.

The proud couple
'STEALING OUR THUNDER': The couple are enjoying seeing the craze spread

Brit couple’s cheeky wedding ‘sex act’ photo goes viral Brit couple’s cheeky wedding ‘sex act’ photo goes viral Reviewed by B 2 THE U.COM on October 07, 2017 Rating: 5

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