Has Zari finally dumped Diamond?


Zari Hassan seems to have finally made up her mind to call it quits with the father of her two children Diamond Platinumz.

Zari on Wednesday unfollowed Diamond on Instagram and quickly deleted all his photos from her page.

This was followed by a Snapchat post with a cryptic message on how she will no longer be validating “guys on social media only for them to make you look like a fool.”

The relationship between the two soured recently after Diamond admitted to straying and fathering a son with Tanzanian model Hamisa Mobetto.

Diamond subsequently made desperate attempts to make up with the socialite, including a touching message in which he credited Zari for his success in life.

He also flew to South Africa late last month for her birthday where they dined with their family members and close friends, but Zari’s body language spoke volumes.

Last week, the celebrated Bongo Flava star appeared to have finally given up on salvaging the relationship and threw three massive pre-birthday parties.

The first party was held on Friday at the Element Club, in Masaki Dar e Salaam, before taking it to the yacht to continue with the celebrations that saw the cream in the entertainment industry in Tanzania joining him.

It was a party that many expected socialite Zari to attend but she was nowhere to be seen with some gossip specialists suggesting that Hamisa was spotted at one of the parties.
Has Zari finally dumped Diamond? Has Zari finally dumped Diamond? Reviewed by B 2 THE U.COM on October 07, 2017 Rating: 5

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