4 Weird and Wonderful Facts About African Animals


                  1;LION SLEEP FOR 20 HOURS A DAY
10 Weird and Wonderful Facts About African AnimalsThe African lion has been admired by man for its beauty and strength for thousands of years. It is one of the most exciting animals to see on safari. However, you're more likely to see one sleeping than hunting because lions rest for an average of 20 hours every day. Because they hunt primarily at night, they do most of their sleeping during daylight hours. In this, lions are similar to many other cat species. However, they are also unique in many ways. They are the only cats with marked differences between males and females, and unlike house cats, they cannot purr. They are also the only cats to live in large family groups, or prides. Living, hunting and raising cubs together is a survival tactic that allows for greater hunting success and a higher rate of infant survival.


10 Weird and Wonderful Facts About African Animals                               Undoubtedly the most feared of all Africa's dangerous snake species, the black mamba's venom comprises a lethal mix of neurotoxins and cardiotoxins. If cornered, the snake can deliver several bites in quick succession - although even a single bite is enough to cause a human to collapse within 45 minutes. Without antivenom, death occurs within 15 hours and the mortality rate is 100%. Ultimately, death is caused by asphyxiation, respiratory failure or complete cardiovascular collapse. Black mambas have a reputation for aggression, but the truth is that like most snakes, they prefer to avoid confrontation where possible. Despite their name, they are rarely black, often appearing brown, grey or olive green instead.

    10 Weird and Wonderful Facts About African Animals
            Despite having a mostly herbivorous diet, hippos are often cited as the most dangerous of all African animals. Male hippos fiercely protect their section of the river, and will often attack those that unwittingly encroach upon their territory. Females are also quick to attack anyone that comes in between them and their calves. Hippos may look slow, but they can achieve speeds of around 20 mph/ 30 kmph on land. Both males and females have powerful jaws with enlarged canines and incisors, sometimes called tusks. The male hippo's canines can reach up to 19.6 inches/ 50 centimeters in length. Other amazing hippo adaptations include their ability to hold their breath for over five minutes, and their skin, which produces its own natural sunscreen - a useful defence against the relentless African sun.                    

10 Weird and Wonderful Facts About African Animals                                                        Crocodiles have roamed the Earth for approximately 200 million years. After surviving the catastrophe that caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs, they continued to evolve into the awe-inspiring predators we know today. Nile crocodiles can hold their breath underwater for over 10 minutes, and can go for months at a time without food. Their armor-like skin protects them from injury, and their immune system is so well-developed that they can feed on decaying flesh without getting sick. They have one of the strongest bite forces on record, and can move at lightning fast speeds during an ambush. Despite their fearsome reputation, Nile crocodiles are surprisingly dedicated parents, guarding their eggs fiercely during incubation. 

4 Weird and Wonderful Facts About African Animals   4 Weird and Wonderful Facts About African Animals Reviewed by B 2 THE U.COM on September 16, 2017 Rating: 5

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